About East And West

East and West is a customized IT solutions based company located in Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan. It was established in 2007. We have proven over 10,000 hours of software development. We offer an extensive range of services to reach your targeted spectators and carve up your valuable information focusing on retaining your customers. Our services include Website design and rank technologies (Javascript, Jquery, Angular, Typescript, Wordpress), Web application development ( .Net and Mean Stack) and Desktop Applications (.NET/C# and Java).

Our development processes


The first step in every project involves an in-depth analysis and understanding of your business. Our goal in the Discovery Phase is to learn how your company operates today, and how you want it to operate 5 to 10 years from now. It’s time well-spent – the end result is a high-level plan that includes the recommended technology for moving forward.


The Design Phase is the most important part of our entire process. This is where we map out system components and workflow processes to ensure your objectives will be met. ​We will present designs that include printed mock-ups of the entry screens, printouts, and workflow activity for your system. Instead of imagining how your software will look, your entire team will be provided with a “sneak peek” of the major system components up-front. This process will give everyone a chance to make modifications and enhancements before the Development Phase begins – and that reduces the chance of incurring costly change orders that might otherwise appear down the road.


The Development Phase is where your vision starts to take shape as a working solution. In the past, this was the phase where most of the time and expense was concentrated. At P2 Automation , we’re able to combine solid design, coupled with years of experience and sound, repeatable development processes, into a fully-customized software solution — without breaking the bank!


Once the initial development is complete, and your team has used the system within a testing environment, the Implementation process begins. Our team will work closely with your internal and external resources to install and configure your entire system, from the on-premise or Cloud-based server environment right down to your PCs, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Manitinance and Support

As your business grows, your requirements will change to accommodate that growth. Technology (including operating systems, new software releases, and improvements in hardware devices) will also evolve. P2 Automation continues to provide Maintenance and Support long after we’ve helped you get your new system up and running! And we work with you on an ongoing basis to ensure your system can adapt to changes. That will keep your business – and your team – at the leading edge of your industry.

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